good intentions and sand storms
I went to the pool with all the best intentions of getting a fabulously dark tan and I should realize by now that this does not happen to me after a short period of time; that it must happen after several, several days in the sun with suncreen on. in the end, I didn't reapply as quickly as I should when I got out of the pool and yes, I got a sunburn. it looks like I am wearing a white bikini no joking! the front and back of me are red, but my sides are completely untouched by the sun, so I feel like some kind of weirdly painted racing car! vrrrrrrrooooommmm! and this morning, it hurts, even after buying aloe vera and walking around my hotel last night watching the Grammy Awards and letting my body cool off.
after the pool, I headed inside for some tv and Harry Potter reading (which I finished by the way and will be leaving books 6 and 7 for the hotel library). and then I made the decision of all decisions: it was bungy jumping time! I called up AJ Hackett to make sure they were still doing jumps b/c it was crazy windy yesterday (and continued onto today). they were, so I got in a taxi and headed over. there were tons of people, given the winds, but I paid for my regular jump, talked to the guys I was going up with and waited till it was my turn.
now, I am not joking about these winds. it was
serious. I was afraid that I would swing side to side and hit something after I jumped, but it was cool. I would have gone at sunset, but a storm came and it was getting dark when I jumped. I didn't let go of the rail for a few seconds and then I just jumped out. I think this might have been the first of the 3 times I have done this (Cairns, Australia and Las Vegas), where I actually jumped and soared out. it was awesome. and after you do it once, you want to do it again. but they actually had to postpone some of the jumps b/c of the high winds.
got a taxi home and took a shower. walked to a nearby Shanghai restaurant b/c I didn't want to walk far, as it was blowing all the sand from the beach to the road. after putting lotion on, my body was covered in sand that was blowing through the air. even this computer is grimey with sand particles. bought some aloe vera and as I was going to bed, the hotel lights shut off! the electricity had gone out due to the storm and this happened a few hours later while I was sleeping. you could hear it go off it was so loud.
now it's morning and I am at Rosso Vivo having breakfast and using the internet. a bit overcast today, but I have to pack (late checkout at 2pm) and will go to the market until Laila comes and gets me tonight. not much else, it will be nice to see Sari again, who got home from the hospital last night but is till on bed rest. looking forward to some down time with her in Jakarta, although it's a crazy city and I don't think you could pay me enough to live there. probably won't post till thursday and I'll give ya a Sari update :)
again, simply amazing pics Lindz! You are one brave chic. I'm so glad you're having a terrific time. xoxo
I feel like i should just keep posting "jealous" to every blog you put up.
I hope Sari's feeling better, and that your sunburn doesn't hurt anymore :)
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