RS Tebet & my 2nd venture to KFC
disclaimer: I got permission from Sari to write this and post all pics.
this morning, we admitted Sari to RS Tebet, the local hospital just down the road from the house. she has been diagnosed with Hepatitis A, which effects the liver and her skin and eyes have turned a slight yellow color. she got one of the largest single rooms in the hospital and it's almost as nice as a hotel. I joked that I wasn't going to go to Bali tomorrow, but rather sleep in the companion bed in her room! (UPDATE: she switched to a smaller room where the tv actually worked) after her parents and I returned from lunch at home and I ran some errands (prepaid cell cards, ice blended mocha at The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, dry cleaning), I was dropped off at the hospital to return some things to Sari and I spent the entire afternoon in the nice leather chair, vibrantly reading Harry Potter 7 to her (complete with faux british accent at times and expression) and taking photos. the hospital will be good for her and if you are concerned for her well-being and thoughts on the issue at hand, don't worry- she made sure to ask when being admitted if they have cable, StarWorld in particular, so she could watch American Idol on Wednesday!
after I said goodbye before sunset, I walked to KFC for dinner, since her parents weren't at the house at that time, and completely ordered in Bahasa Indonesia. amazing. I am now updating the blog and posting some pics if I can. I will be leaving on Air Asia to Bali tomorrow morning and should get in at 2:15pm, with Sari's cousin Lela picking me up. I fully intend on getting a ridiculous tan while I am there. in my bikini. now, I don't believe I have lost any weight this trip, but I may be wrong. I am not drinking. I've had two beers since I got here both at Sushi Tei. but if there is sun, my stomach is gonna see it :) and yes, I have my spf 30. I will not be recreating the Great Australian Great Barrier Reef Sunburn of 2004!! but you gotta admit that I need some color, judging by that picture above.
I am bringing my computer with me to Bali.
love ya. miss ya. mean it. (just read Bergdorf Blondes and a character in the book says that. ha!)
{below is the view from Sari's first hospital room.
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