Taman Mini Indonesia
I finally got there yesterday and it didn't even start raining until I was back in the house for about 10 minutes!
took my second Gray Line Tour to Taman Mini Indonesia, which is a theme park that houses examples of all the different islands in Indonesia's archipelageo. stopped in the museum and saw all the different clothing from the different islands and villages and it's amazing to see the vast difference between them! some of the head dresses that these women wear are crazy- they look like they will topple over at the very mention of a light wind!
spent the most time in the Sumatra section, where this picture demonstated what the prayer house would look like for a family's housing compound. we didn't stop in all the locations- just Sumatra, South Sulawesi and Bali. 
there is also a small theme park inside the larger park especially for children and it's castle is based on the DisneyWorld's castle in Orlando.
headed up into the cable car, number 06 for a ride across the lake in the middle of the park. in the lake, there are little islands and they are shaped and placed to represent the Indonesian archipelageo. that was really cool. the Taman Mini Indonesia landscapers really have their fill of work to do on a daily basis! took visit on the first half of the ride and it turned out great!

I was the only person on the tour again, so they dropped me off at the local grocery store, where I picked up some packing essentials and went home to start packing all my stuff up. and it's quite a lot, but I actually have a good amount of room left in that second suitcase. great! I can buy more stuff in Australia!
Seeing all these gorgeous pictures makes me want to visit Indonesia! Sounds like you really get your money's worth there.
Can't wait to see pictures of Sydney since my husband and I are pre-planning a trip there in like four years! :-)
Just stumbled upon this blog - as I work with MINDLESS -- and to boot, my parents are both Australian
Hey Lindsey,
We have been keeping tabs on you and enjoying it. Mary is actually trying to start her own blog because we are right now in Guatemala! We are with Pauline visiting her new son. We will spend a lot of time at the hotel with him, so may not have as many adventures to post as you. You will be happy to know that today, on our very first day here, I got pink arms and shoulders without even leaving the courtyard. I am a mom and it didn't even occur to me to pack sunscreen! I think you have a lot of years left to become responsible - hopefully I do, too. Can't wait to see you and compare pics. Love, Fran and Mary
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